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Why are you Bloated?

Take the Quiz!

Banish your bloat and find relief from chronic constipation

The gutTogether® program is a custom 1:1 program that takes the guesswork out of digestive health and delivers long-term results so that you never have to do another program.

Book your
discovery call

Enroll in

Find true,
lasting relief

If you don’t know why you are bloated and constipated in the first place,

It’s hard to find relief from your symptoms.

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Does this sound like you?

We can identify why. You can find relief.

The gutTogether® Program
provides custom 1:1 support

Work directly with a gut health specialist to identify the root cause of your digestive issues, improve your symptoms, and create a long-term prevention plan.

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Program Format

You will be given the opportunity to enroll as soon as you book your discovery call.

We open limited slots at a time in order to serve each client individually. Slots open on a 1st-come, 1st-serve basis.

gutTogether® is $3500, with an optional stool test for $330.*

*The stool tests costs us $330, and we offer it to you at cost. We make no money, and no commission, on the stool test. 

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Bloating Should Be A Rare Exception,

Not Your Everyday Experience

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Hi, I’m Dr. Heather

I am a internationally known gut health specialist who has now helped over 1000 women find relief from bloating, constipation and other digestive symptoms.

But I get it personally…there’s nothing worse than struggling with gut symptoms. Whether it’s bloating, constipation, reflux or gas it can really impact your quality of life. But all hope is not lost. If you have tried every possible elimination diet and continue to feel stuck with symptoms, I get it!

I spent years trying to fix my own digestive symptoms with bandaid solutions that didn’t get me anywhere. It was really terrible. Once I was able to understand the actual causes of my symptoms, I started to find real relief. I went from restricting and eliminating tons of foods to loving food again.

I went from restricting and eliminating tons of foods to loving food again.

Now, I have helped 1000’s of women find relief from their digestive symptoms.

Client Testimonials

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-Alex K. Designation

The program is certainly an investment, albeit, completely worth it! Since completing this program, I don’t restrict any foods at all (HI again, onion, chickpeas, broccoli and avocado!!) I feel more control of my body and symptoms, and feel I have a full tool kit at my disposal to continue to succeed.

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-Elizabeth G. Designation

I can’t believe the relief I now have. I am free from being in a constant state of food fear. I no longer worry about the foods I’m eating because I know what my body will or will not tolerate. We actually figured things out. This program has changed my relationship with food, my overall health, and my life!

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-Melynne R Designation

I had been on high doses of acid reflux medications for years and my stomach and esophagus were still consistently inflamed on endoscopies. I am now completely off the PPI, my symptoms have improved, I am eating a wide variety of foods, and I have never felt better.

Curious about how this compares to our other programs?​

Features gutTogether VIP gutTested HTMA
Program Length
6 months
4 months
1 month
1:1 Sessions
Stool Testing
HTMA Mineral Testing
(optional add on)
Weekly Food & Symptom Log Reviews
Weekly Office Hours for Support
Unlimited 1:1 Chat Support
Learning Modules
Perfect For:
  • Chronic GI issues coupled with other concerns such as hormone imbalances, skin issues, etc. 
  • IBS Diagnosis with no relief from traditional interventions 
  • SIBO especially with multiple failed treatments
  • Skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, etc. 
  • History of Gallbladder removal with worsening symptoms  
  • IBD 
  • Chronic candida 
  • Mold
  • Autoimmune disease (ex: hashimotos, etc)
  • Histamine issues and MCAS
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea 
  • SIBO (not with multiple failed treatments)
  • Skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, etc. 
  • Overall gut health support
  • Poor energy
  • Poor sleep
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Constipation that is not relieved by Miralax or Magnesium (or other interventions)
  • Hair loss
  • Pregnancy and Postpartum energy and recovery 

(payment plans available)


(payment plans available)


HTMA Bundle

Explore Our Programs
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How to get started
in the gutTogether Program

Book Your Discovery Call

Book your discovery call so we can ensure you’re a good fit for the program.

Enroll in gutTogether®

Get individualized testing, feedback, protocols and personalized support on your gut health journey. Dr. Heather and her team will guide you every step of the way.

True, Lasting Relief

Watch your symptoms fade away as you learn to love life and food again. 

Addressing your digestive symptoms is no longer an option

It’s a necessity.

Conventional medicine is only treating your symptoms. It’s not preventing them from coming back.

In a world where doctors only have 15 minutes per patient, per year, no wonder it’s impossible to find adequate support for your digestive symptoms.

When you have adequate support and comprehensive care for your digestive symptoms, relief follows.

Why Am I Bloated?

Are you curious to understand why you’re feeling bloated? Take our fun quiz to find out!

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The real problem we face

when trying to address digestive symptoms

We are not looking to prevent symptoms from coming back, we are just looking to band aid them when they show up. And when they do show up it’s worse than it was the time before. So instead of discovering what is causing the symptoms from coming back, we continue to play whack-a-mole. Rather than understanding and implementing strategies for prevention. If you want to find relief from your digestive symptoms you need to actually address the root causes. Get off of the never ending elimination diets and juice cleanses and start making sustainable changes.

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