
Use Functional Stool Testing
to identify and address your GI symptoms so that you can stop elimination diets and become symptom-free…for good.

Tired of jumping from one elimination diet to another without lasting results?
  gutTested™ offers a personalized approach to understanding and addressing your gut health. Our comprehensive functional stool testing and 1:1 appointments with gut health experts give you the insights you need to pinpoint the exact cause of your symptoms and address them for good.

Purchase the gutTested package

Complete your stool testing

Get personalized protocols and a plan in your 1:1 appointments

When you actually identify what is causing your GI Symptoms you can find relief for good.

Can You Relate?

You feel like you’ve “tried everything” and you’re still bloated all day everyday

You have been told “everythings normal” by your doctor

You are only eating 5 foods yet you still cannot button your pants at the end of the day

It's a miracle if you have a bowel movement once per week

You cannot leave your house without having GI symptoms

Your doctor wants you to take a PPI for your acid reflux

You've tried Miralax, Linzess, Motegrity or other GI mediations with no success

Your GI issues give you so much stress you feel like you cannot live your life

You don't make plans in evening because of your gut

If this sounds like you, we get it. We’ve been there too.
And the good news is you can find relief even if you feel like you’ve tried everything! 

What’s Included in

1- GI Map stool test

3- 50-minute 1:1 appointments

Custom protocols addressing your results

Access to a private community for questions

Access to educational modules to support your journey

The gutTested bundle provides personalized insights and custom protocols.

You’ll work directly with a gut health specialist & registered dietitian to review your stool testing and come up with a custom plan to address your symptoms.

How to get started with gutTested

Complete your stool testing

Within 72 business hours of purchase your stool testing will be shipped directly to you. Once you complete it and the results are back we will reach out to schedule your first 1:1 appointment.

Get a custom plan

Our team will use our proprietary assessment to understand your medical history, unique symptoms and test results to come up with a custom multi-phase plan that helps you fully address your symptoms. We will use nutrition, lifestyle and supplement recommendations. No elimination diets here!

Hi I'm Dr. Heather

I am a internationally known gut health specialist who has now helped over 1000 women find relief from bloating, constipation and other digestive symptoms.

But I get it personally…there’s nothing worse than struggling with gut symptoms. Whether it’s bloating, constipation, reflux or gas it can really impact your quality of life. But all hope is not lost. If you have tried every possible elimination diet and continue to feel stuck with symptoms, I get it!

I spent years trying to fix my own digestive symptoms with bandaid solutions that didn’t get me anywhere. It was really terrible. Once I was able to understand the actual causes of my symptoms, I started to find real relief. I went from restricting and eliminating tons of foods to loving food again.

I went from restricting and eliminating tons of foods to loving food again.

Now, I have helped 1000’s of women find relief from their digestive symptoms.

Hear from our clients…

— Hayley Designation

"I was so impressed by the information that this programs GI map gave, and for the first time I felt hope that I would feel better. It was a long road but I did everything that Dr Heather and her team suggested and was able to heal my gut in more natural ways, without another round of antibiotics. What I also love about this program is I was taught how to eat MORE food of more variety, versus what other doctors had recommended that I continue to cut food out. I feel so much better now and am no longer afraid to go on vacations or out to dinner. I worked specifically with Stacey and Macy and they are both so genuine and caring. I feel much better than I did a year ago both mentally and physically thanks to this program!"

— Tara Designation

"The GI Map and personalized assistance with the step by step protocol to heal my gut was the most beneficial part of the program for me. I also really liked the curated product recommendation lists. Through it all, it worked marvelously and I am so grateful."

— Lara Designation

"When I began with Dr Heather she had me complete a GI test and I thought “well this isn’t going to show anything I just did this at the doctors”. However, with Dr Heathers GI map it was able to provide us with SO MUCH DATA versus my GI at the hospital whose results read “normal”.

Stool testing is an excellent way to dig deeper into your GI symptoms and assess things like: 

  • H pylori
  • Inflammation levels
  • Why you are having food sensitivities
  • Your “good” and “bad” bacteria
  • How you are digesting your food 
  • Your gut immune system
  • Parasites and critters 
  • If you have “leaky gut”

This is a function test that is typically not run in the conventional medical world. We often hear from clients that they learn more for this test then they have from anything they have done previously!

As soon as you purchase the package you will be added to our private community and we will get your stool kit on its way. You will have 4 months from purchase date to complete your appointments.

This package is $1125. This includes the stool testing and the 1:1 appointments. 

Desire or frustration: 

  • Can’t find relief from GI symptoms 
  • Doctors cannot help them
  • Food sensitivities 
  • Desire to understand why they have symptoms 

This is an out of pocket medical expense but we can accept HSA and FSA cards.

Get your gutTested

Use Functional Stool Testing to identify and address your GI symptoms so that you can stop elimination diets and become symptom-free…for good.